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Journey Groups

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What is a Journey Group?

Here at Clear Water, we offer a selection of small groups called “Journey Groups.” These Journey Groups are hosted by faithful members of our church who have accepted the call to open up their homes and do life together. We know that life can feel lonely, and hard circumstances can amplify that feeling; Journey Groups are an opportunity to lean on community and find support as you walk through life.

Attending a Journey Group gives you a unique opportunity to fellowship with other believers outside of our Thursday or Sunday services. 

Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV) 

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.



When: 6 PM; Start: Sept 15

Where: 16030 Elizabeth Street 99516

What: Financial Peace University Class. Cost $80.

Contact: Julianne and Joseph Dickerson 907-690-3506



When: 4-6 PM; Start: Sept 29

Where: 2027 Duke Dr

What: Teenagers, come one and all. This is a joint middle and high school (7th-12th grade) small group. Be prepared for games, community, and diving into God's Word on tough topics that will help with developing your faith.

Contact: Andrew Morgenstern 952-393-4981 or Sarah Morgenstern 763-732-3265



When: 10AM - 12PM Start: Sept 17

Where: Calvary Church, corner of 80th and Jewel Lake Road

What: We will study “They Walked with God 40 Bible Characters who inspire us” By Max Lucado

Contact: Robin Stralka 907-344-7991 or Jean Anne Montgomery 907-947-7330



When: 6 PM w/dinner; Start: Sept 25

Where: 1800 E 74th Ave Apt 1

What: Killjoys Sermon Series

Contact: Tim 907-306-8965 or Grace 907-764-9250



When: Dinner 6 PM; Study 7 PM; Start: Oct 2

Where: 3820 Robin Street

What: Book Study: “Praying like Monks, Living like Fools” by Tyler Staton And “Practicing the Way” by John Comer

Contact: Steve Gordon 907-441-4572



When: Once a month; Contact for time; Start: Sept 18

Where: Contact for details

What: IF DiscipleshipIf you are wanting to connect with the Lord and other women consider leading an “if” gathering which is 5 women - 4 questions and 2 hours a month.

Contact: Sandi Bentz 907-529-4658



When: 6 PM w/potluck; Start: Sept

Where: 8101 E 18th Ave

What: Caleb Kaltenbach’s study “Messy Grace,” a 4 week study.  Based on a book by the same name, series w/video on RightNow Media

Caleb's Biblical teaching with powerful testimonies from Christians who've been personally affected by LGBT issues and identity. This series will inspire and empower Christ followers to truly love all their LGBT "neighbors" while maintaining fidelity to the Scriptures.

Contact: Shad & Anne Barnett (907) 519-8178 or



When: Friday 9:30 - 11 AM; Start: Oct 4

Where: 12310 Lorraine St.

What: Reading “Habits of the Household” by Justin Whitmel Earley. Seeking to know Jesus more in the daily patterns of family life.

Contact: Kim Burgess (907) 310-8475 or Amy DeVries (907) 764-2569



When: Friday 9-11 AM; Start: Sept 6

Where: 12045 Rushwood Cir, 99517

What: Before each Friday, you will read a chapter in Galatians and meditate on what you read. A schedule will be provided, so everyone is reading the same. Time for sharing and prayer at each gathering.

Contact: Louise Witt 206-683-8336




When: 2 Fridays per month; 7:30 PM

Where: 1350 W 70th

What: This group will discuss the intersection of popular culture and Christian theology by watching interesting Hollywood movies and then discussing the themes and messages contained in the films and how they relate to a Christian worldview. There will be popcorn and movie snacks.The schedule will be flexible, but we will try to meet twice a month. Everyone who signs up will be put on a text message list to get all of the details about which days we will meet and what films we will watch. Some of the films that I am considering for this fall include: Signs, Gran Torino, Life is Beautiful, and Wall-e. Come and give it a try.

Contact: James Embree 907-315-3803



When: Once a month; contact for details

Where: Contact for details

What: IF Discipleship. If you are wanting to connect with the Lord and other women consider leading an “if” gathering which is 6 women- 4 questions and 2 hours a month.

Contact: Ella Embree 907-795-6604 or email For more information and leadership tips.



When: Mondays, 7 - 8 PM

Where: 3012 Bettles Bay Loop

What: Make friends, have fun, and learn more about Jesus.

Contact: Krista Harms (469) 323-2724

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When: Contact for details; Start: Sept.

Where: Contact for details

What: The Healing Journey is a 29 week dive into the heart of God and your heart. It’s hard work, but it’s transformative. Men and women meet in separate groups. Contact for details.

Contact: Men: Greg Balcao (907) 310-7026

Women: DeeDee Anonson (907) 952-5568



When: Wednesday’s @ 6:30 PM

Where: Kaleo Church

What: Re|engage is a safe place for married couples to connect and grow in their marriages. The prayer is that this ministry will offer hope to marriages by helping couples move toward oneness through stories of grace, teaching, and small groups. Re|engage is a marriage enrichment program: whether couples are struggling to get along, have broken relationships, or simply want to grow closer together. Marriages in any condition can benefit. Childcare is provided. Participation fee applies. Registration and more information is available at



When: Contact for details

Where: Contact for details

What: If you've lost a loved one, you've probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions that you have never faced before. Grief Share groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.

Contact: Find a group at

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Where: Several options for location, Contact Bill or Kim

When: Several options for time

What: BSF is an international Bible study program. This year, BSF is doing a study in John. This is an in-depth Bible study with homework. Study is done on your own throughout the week, meetings are discussions of what was learned. There are several options for time and place including online options. Call or go to to learn about possibilities.

Contact: Men: Bill Burgess (907) 575-5566

Women: Kim Burgess (907) 310-8475 or Susan Foley (907) 242-7111

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